Saturday, September 17, 2016


OCWEN finally stops blocking my autistic son's three surgeries by removing optional remarks that they knew drastically lowered my credit score. 

On the same day FARMERS INSURANCE picks up the bat and tells me they will not remove any mold the Shadowbrook HOA caused, that the settlement offer is a bag of wood chips for the massive amount of water damage, the rust, well established mold colonies where plants drowned from the over water that lasted ten years and all through the California drought, the rusting of the safety gate that protects my autistic son from getting hit by a car, water damage on the stucco and permanent water stains on the concrete outside. 

FARMERS' settlement offer included a piece of drywall to hide the toxic mold colonies inside our home. FARMERS went on to say the size of the drywall was to be determined, as if that was a very gracious offer they were making by sealing us in a moldy tomb with cheap cosmetic cover-ups. Wood chips to hide the water damage surrounding our house. 

What if your doctor offered to hide your cancer instead of treating it? What if your doctor offered you some cheap cosmetic stuff to help you conceal your cancer from people? That is what the Farmers' settlement offer felt it was ok for my son to die in a house filled with and surrounded by a toxic strains of mold because FARMERS' cosmetic fix would hide the cause of death from view.

James must come home from surgery three times to inhale spores from active colonies of mold FARMERS INSURANCE adamantly told me on September 16, while I was in urgent care with my very ill son, trying to listen to his doctor, that Farmers Insurance will not remediate the mold. Farmers called twice while I was in urgent care with James. They were eager to tell me the "good news" of the bag of wood chips and piece of drywall "settlement offer". I repeatedly told them we were in urgent care. Obviously their good news could not wait.

OCWEN, after 7 months, put down the bat and stopped manipulating my credit score.
My credit score shot up 68 points as the score lowering comments OCWEN had posted in the optional remarks section of my credit reports were removed. 

My scores will go up more as all the remarks are removed from 4 reporting agencies, Equifax, TransUnion, Experion, and Innovis. It will average to approx a  90 point increase or more in less than a week. I fought 7 months for this Justice, with the help of the CFPB. 

OCWEN put down the bat and before I could sigh in relief, FARMERS INSURANCE picked up that bat on behalf of SHADOWBROOK ESTATES HOA and came at me. I'm getting another whooping. 


(Not ONE hour of rest for me).

The very same day I received notice that this credit score manipulation battle was over, that OCWEN told me, the CFPB, the FTC, and the Dept of Justice, in writing that they would stand down and finally remove the score lowering comments that a week ago they defiantly declared they would NEVER REMOVE....that same day, before an hour could pass, FARMERS insurance called me twice while I was in urgent care with my son James....FARMERS called, eager to tell me the "good news" that they wanted to offer me "a settlement" (BEFORE  the cause of the mold was determined) and instead of removing the damaging sprinklers, they wanted to leave them in the ground where they could continue to leak and nourish the horrific amount of mold in our home. 

FARMERS INSURANCE was excited to have me know that instead of the first offered real solution of removing sprinklers and installing pavement in the narrow walk way, their new settlement offer was a bag of wood chips and a piece of dry wall. 

They threw in the piece of drywall because it's cheap and packed with excitement for the HOA, a loaded gun of a gift because it implies assumption of guilt for the mold that is INSIDE the house, the dangerous strain that could kill my autistic son James in his weakened state. A piece of drywall is a drama packed settlement offer, especially with the stipulations and strings attacked to the offer. FARMERS INSURANCE wants NO MOLD REMEDIATION, the sacred mold must remain intact inside the wall.

The newly gifted drywall is to be placed over the festering mold colonies even though it has not yet broken through the current drywall and is not visible yet, much like my son's recent lung infection treated in the emergency room was not visible to the naked eye. (Yes, I endured insurance men blustering that if you can't see it, it isn't there).

The HOA might have at least ten months of meetings about this subject alone. Is mold really there if you can't see it yet. Is cancer really cancer until it breaks through the skin? These people are driving us to the brink of madness with unbearable stress.

FARMERS INSURANCE wants to throw wood chips on the water damage and leave the troublesome sprinklers system which has often sprung leaks. (I have video tapes of the bursting pipes that keep bursting because they stand in mud.) FARMERS wants to leave things as they are so it can continue to keep that bed of mold alive and well. 

Keeping the fear alive is sort of a trademark of the Shadowbrook Homeowners Association and FARMERS INSURANCE is only too happy to keep that tradition alive. Actually solving the mold problem is too easy, not dramatic and no fun at all for the HOA. The drama is hurting me and my son. 
Why fix a problem when you can tinker with it for ten + years as the HOA has already. Replacing the moldy wood chips and fixing leak after leak as the years go by will be fun for the HOA.  I filmed the pipe that bursts three times. They just leave the mud and keep replacing the pipe over and over when it bursts. 

Leaving the water stains, rust, crumbling stucco and mold gives the HOA trophies to gaze upon each time they pass my house. They can have monthly meetings, perhaps 3 or more months each time I beg them to remove the smelly, moldy mess? 

And just think of how many times we might have to open the walls to see if the mold has come inside. 
Perhaps we could have an annual event like Christmas and Hanukkah an call it Moldypalusis Day. 

We can all meet once a year and dance around my mold infested house. I vote we have this holiday on GROUNDHOG DAY because it reminds me of that iconic film. 

Every year on MOLDYPALUSIS DAY, Mold Tech Services could stick a probe in the base board and declare what variety of mold has the largest colony that year. FARMERS likes trying to make humorous TV commercials. What is happening to us isn't funny.

What about my autistic son James? What about his health, his lung infections? 

James Marshall playing inches away from a large colony of toxic mold before we found out it was in the wall. James is autistic and has been sick since October 2015 with a mystery illness that makes him too tired to get out of bed. He has fainted multiple times.


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