Friday, September 9, 2016


OCWEN is making a false claim that it is required by law to place a punitive remark on credit reports of homeowners who received grants from KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA. 

The issue of a statement being true or false is not what my complaint addressed. OCWEN is attempting to convince the CFPB that the issue is whether or not a statement is true.

The issue OCWEN was asked to respond to concerns the remark section of credit reports not requiring by law that ANY remark be placed. It is optional to place a remark. 

OCWEN is deliberately using the optional remarks section to lower credits scores so customers cannot refinance at lower rates with other companies. 

OCWEN is abusing the optional remarks section of credit reports for OCWEN'S financial gain. OCWEN forces even customers who always pay on time to be stuck with higher interest rates. Other banks are not trapping their customers with these ploys. Just because a statement is true does not mean there is a law mandating that it must be tacked on to customer's credit reports. 

OCWEN has not cited the exact so call "law" that forces them to take punitive measures against homeowners with loans in perfect standing. OCWEN benefits financially by claiming there is a law forcing them to do this punitive action but OCWEN does not provide the law in question. 

OCWEN invents non-existent laws to get away with what amounts to financial crimes against home owners.

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