Tuesday, May 17, 2016


" Ocwen is charged with engaging in unfair and deceptive acts or practices in violation of the federal Consumer Financial Protection Act and state laws. Ocwen’s unlawful conduct has resulted in injury to consumers who have had home loans serviced by Ocwen, Litton , and Homeward. The harm includes payment of improper fees and charges, unreasonable delays and expenses to obtain loss mitigation relief, and improper denial of loss mitigation relief."
                                             ~Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

OCWEN was given the opportunity by EQUIFAX to quickly restore my six year, perfect payment history on EQUIFAX. Since that three way call last week, OCWEN has gone dark and refuses to tell me if they have complied with EQUIFAX'S request for a simple once sentence fax to resolve the matter quickly.

OCWEN'S repeated choice to keep me in the dark have elevated this situation to a Americans With Disability Act case. OCWEN'S strange actions have made life hell for me and endangered the life of my autistic son James. OCWEN doesn't think it is any of my business when they plan to stop holding my credit score hostage so I can apply for the loan to get James' badly needed surgeries.

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