Friday, May 13, 2016


Response to Equifax concern Ocwen on CFPB complaint:

Yesterday I initiated a three way phone call with Ocwen and Equifax to speed up the resolving of this matter since my autistic son James’ health is being harmed by the delay. Ocwen did not seem to understand why their attempts to put my home loan back on Equifax was failing.

During the three way call I told them what I had found the day before when speaking with other Equifax employees: it was the WAY Ocwen had removed my loan that was so dramatic and confusing and within the context of  Equifax dispute number ******7596, a normal dispute where I had simply asked if ALL of my payment history could show from the date of the loan modification in July 1, 2010. 

The resolution would also have to be WITHIN that dispute, using that Equifax dispute number. Equifax had no way of knowing that the vicious action by OCWEN was only one of many shocking actions being taken by OCWEN in March-April 2016. Equifax was only privy to the context of OCWEN responding to my dispute.

These are things Equifax had no knowledge of: In February 2016 OCWEN had just received $5000 applied to the principal of my home loan from HAMP incentive because I had never missed or been late on a payment. In February Ocwen also posted to my account a $76,700.00 KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA award that I had been qualified for and granted.

After accepting these funds, OCWEN took my name off my loan, bank owned the property and pulled my perfect payment history from Equifax, TransUnion and Experion. I complained about OCWEN’S action to the CFPB, the FBI Los Angeles Office, the California Attorney General, The Department of Justice and open a blog to write to the CEO of Ocwen, I reported the incident to the SEC because OCWEN  might invest the money they took from me and the government programs who had helped me.
Ocwen rescinded the bank owned status and promised me they would put my name back on the loan and report again to the credit bureaus that I had paid my home loan on time and was never late on a payment. 

I researched and made many phone calls because Ocwen seemed satisfied that they had TRIED yet failed to transmit to Equifax and it must be Equifax’s fault that it was not showing like it was on Experion and TransUnion. I told Ocwen something was obviously wrong and I would find out since they wouldn’t try.

I found out, after many phone calls, that it was indeed, as I suspected, THE WAY Ocwen yanked the loan from Equifax. Again, Ocwen did it within the context of a simple complaint/dispute I made with Equifax asking if my WHOLE six year payment history could show instead of just three months. It appeared to Equifax that Ocwen’s response was extremely harsh to this every day question….pulling a trade line and blocking it as a response to a request to have more history shown seemed brutal. Equifax had no way to know just how brutal an ordeal Ocwen was actually putting us through. 

When Ocwen bank owned our home in spite of my perfect payment history, I had a sudden eye sight problem and felt very ill. This was why on several occasions I requested to dictate my complaint to the CFPB and other agencies. I could not see well and I was making the complaint from my bed after taking an aspirin, praying that I was not having a stroke because I am the only care-provider for my autistic son James. I am still experiencing a high volume of floaters and my vision dims, blurs and I experience flashes of light when I move from a lighted room to a darker room. The shock of having my home “bank owned” when my loan was in good standing caused something to happen to my eyes. I have been so busy saving my home, trying to restore my credit so I can get a loan for my son’s four surgeries that I have not been able to set up my doctor appointment to see if my eye condition is permanent or if it will go away in time. My son is bedridden and in pain. Too many things are happening to us at once. This has become a life and death situation for us.

Yesterday during the three way call, Ocwen was told, by Equifax, to write and fax a letter stating: “I certify the information being requested for reinsertion is complete and accurate”, signed by the appropriate person and Ocwen and including the Equifax dispute number that Ocwen used when they pulled my loan from Equifax on March 30, 2016 in response to my request to have MORE of my perfect payment history showing on March 17, 2016. For some reason OCWEN chose not to do what Equifax requested, prompting Equifax's executive officer Ms. Martin to say to me that it looked like OCWEN simply did not want my home loan on my credit report.



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