Friday, May 13, 2016


OCWEN took such a hostile, surprise attack on my home loan in good standing, bank owned it after accepting $5000 HAMP incentive applied to principal for never being late on loan payments and $76,700 KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA funds, such a hostile act that the public has trouble understanding it. People ask me if I'm SURE I didn't miss a payment....they don't want to believe a bank would do this. 

The shock of having our home bank owned without warning caused me to be bedridden with sudden vision difficulties for several hours, which was horrifying because I am the care-provider for a very ill autistic young man. When stricken by shock submitted the details to the CFPB verbally via phone while bedridden and unable to sit up and see well enough to submit the information on line about how LONG Ocwen is taking to make the repairs they promised to make. 

Rather than accept that the way OCWEN demolished my credit with Equifax was the reason it was difficult to restore, OCWEN simply blamed Equifax like they had previously blamed TransUnion. 

It is OCWEN'S fault that this has to be repaired in a certain way...due to the unusual way OCWEN removed and blocked the trade line from Equifax, within the context of a simple Equifax Dispute dated, March 17, 2016 which simply asked if they could show I had always paid my home loan on time since July 1, 2010. OCWEN'S actions were so extreme that a criminal investigation might find it fits the profile of an act of rage.

Ocwen's response was vicious and impossible for Equifax to make sense of because they had no way of knowing it was just part of a blitzkrieg of harsh actions Ocwen was raining down upon me and my autistic son James. To Equifax it was presented only as a response to my request to have more of my perfect payment history showing. 

Ocwen's attitude about correcting the damage they created has been to blame Equifax and state that the damage cannot be repaired at this time. In the meantime my autistic son is getting sicker while we wait to resolve these issues so I can get the loan for his surgeries. He may be too ill to have surgery by the time Ocwen resolves the damages they caused.

This begs the question: Will Deutsche Bank step in and force Ocwen to undo the damage they have done to a home owner who had a loan in perfect standing for the last six years? When the damage is this heinous, should the trustee take action to put a stop to the senseless carnage? Ocwen has proven time and time again that they cannot police themselves and while they can dish out damage at mind blowing speed, their ability to correct their mistakes moves like snail mail and comes to halts that force the home owner to do the research Ocwen won't do to solve the problems it created.

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