Sunday, August 21, 2016


Ronald Faris, CEO of OCWEN 




What happened

Describe what happened so we can understand the issue...

OCWEN Loan Servicing LLP is violating my rights as a US Citizen. OCWEN began an all out attack on my loan in good standing after they posted $76,700 I was awarded by Keep Your Home California and $5000 HAMP incentive that I earned by never being late on my loan for six years. Stephanie Buls from the OCWEN Ombudsman office was so jovial when she told me that my name being removed from the loan was not the worst of it, that my assumption of the loan being reversed was not the worst of it, that reversing the loan modification of 2010 that was made when the loan was being serviced by ONE WEST was in the works. I refused to speak with Stephanie Buls after that conversation because she talked down to me and seemed as excited and joyful as a soccer fan as she relayed to me all the terrible things OCWEN was going to do to me. Her tone of voice was jovial, full of joy, excitement and passion, as if she was engaged in blood sport and really getting off on delivering bad news.

Reversing the loan modification of 2010 was put on the back burner when I reported the reversal of my loan assumption and my six year perfect payment history and that OCWEN was stealing Keep Your Home California money and HAMP incentive money that I as a home owner had applied for and earned by my perfect payment history.

The abnormal amount of time my "Probation" period lasted feels criminal and very punitive.

It also feels punitive, as if I am in some sort of debtor's prison that my six year perfect payment history only seemed to annoy OCWEN and make them try harder to find ways to punish me, lowering my credit score with an assortment of different "optional" remarks that carry hefty score lowering clout, causing my score to drop 90 to 30 points as soon as the optional remarks were added by OCWEN. Each time Ocwen would claim the remarks were "Mandatory" even though all the bureaus said they were completely "Optional" and each time the remarks were different.

Matthew Parker became my next point of contact in the Ocwen Ombudsman's office. In a soft spoken, serious voice he would send me on back to back wild goose chases to verify if the accusations he made against Transunion, then Equifax, then Transunion again were true or false. It was a great burden on me to write letters, make phone calls and check out the accusations and in each case what Matthew Parker claimed was caused by Equifax or Transunion was in fact caused by OCWEN. Mr. Parker would make serious accusations against Equifax, accusing them of changing the Transunion score. I told him that from now on he needed to put his accusations in writing. He did put in writing that OCWEN puts score lowering statements on MANY Ocwen accounts, remarks that are optional but OCWEN has made a mandatory internal policy to lower scores however they can. Mr. Parker told me many of the "errors" he corrected could "happen again" and he would fix them again. I contacted his supervisor and his supervisor's supervisor. The sheer number of times there have been "errors" on my account since February 2016 is proof that OCWEN is either the most incompetent organization on earth or engaging in criminal activity or perhaps both. I feel like I have been financially kidnapped by OCWEN and denied my Constitutional rights. OCWEN is engaging in a form of slavery. Even after OCWEN it told not to overturn loan mods, they started the process of overturning my 2010 loan modification. They only put the process on hold because Honda Finance told me to report OCWEN to the CFPB. They have indicated to me that it could happen in the future and that the assumption of the loan could be reversed again,my credit score could be messed up again by incorrect info reported by OCWEN. They threatened me by telling me every time I report them it to the Attorney General and the CFPB, it causes them to do things that harm my credit score, that it's my fault

Consent to publish the description of what happened? Consent provided 

Have you missed any mortgage payments or are you in default on your mortgage? Yes No

Is there a date scheduled for the foreclosure sale of your home?  

When is the scheduled foreclosure sale

Did you pay a company to help yoDesired resolution

What do you think would be a fair resolution to your issue?

At this point, due to the sheer number of repeat "errors", where OCWEN has kept my credit score low ever since they tried to reverse my 2010 Loan Modification and keep six years of payments I made on time, and keep my $5000 HAMP incentive and keep $76,700 Keep Your Home California dollars, taking me off my loan the minute they posted these funds to the account, at this point, I believe OCWEN should not be allowed to service loans in the State of California. I believe OCWEN should be banned from servicing loans period. If OCWEN'S excuse for reporting false information to the credit bureaus and attaching a variety of different score lowering "optional" remarks to my credit report, which no other creditor has ever done, OCWEN is making the defense: "We are incompetent, we only lowered Ms Marshall's score for six months, delaying her son's much needed surgery and home maintenance because we made back to back errors for six months because we can't help it." If OCWEN is like a drunk driver who "can't help killing people", they should lose their right to drive and go to jail for taking human lives. If OCWEN "accidentally" got richer and richer by having these "accidents", OCWEN needs to be shut down because that is the only way OCWEN is going to stop harming innocent homeowners who happen to be paying their loans on time but still get bludgeoned by OCWEN, driven to the limits of human endurance and laughed at by OCWEN as OCWEN informs them that it can and will get worse. OCWEN has violated me and my son. OCWEN has violated our rights as US Citizens. We are being held against our will in a surreal financial prison, a debtor's prison that does not bother to distinguish between people with perfect payment histories and people who miss payments. We are all the same to OCWEN. We are Ocwen's cattle. We are their "possessions" until they find a way to separate us from our property, our money, our HAMP rewards, our Keep Your Home California grants. OCWEN is a criminal organization and needs to be taken to trial as such. We cannot wage a war against Terrorism without including OCWEN in that war. Make no mistake, OCWEN is destroying lives. OCWEN pays the fines and jumps back in and picks up where it left off. The looming threat of reversing my 2010 Loan Modification and my loan assumption is proof of that. OCWEN informed me that they stopped these reversals "as a courtesy" to me....this so called "courtesy" occurred exactly when I first reported them to the CFPB. A class action against OCWEN needs to be launched to protect U S Citizens from this "accident prone" and "power drunk" criminal organization that has fed upon the housing crisis with the sole goal of obtaining obscene wealth for itself, laundering the money it steals from home owners and the programs such as HAMP and KYHC in the stock market. This "drunk driver" OCWEN has been slamming into us every week since February 2016. They probably started before than, but the first horrific wound I felt was in February when OCWEN began the frenetic chatter, the jovial predictions of my home loan being taken away from me and in the same letter where they congratulated me for earning the $5000 HAMP incentive for paying my loan on time for six year. "Congratulations, we're taking your loan, your money and the government awards and incentives you earned all these years. Oh? You reported us? Well, as a COURTSEY we are putting you back on the loan, for now. We can reverse the assumption again. We won't reverse the loan mod for now, but FYI, every time you report us you are making it worse for yourself. It makes us have to mess up your credit score....."

I am calling for OCWEN to be banned from doing business in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

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