Thursday, August 18, 2016


CFPB Case number: 160819-000004

Related Case Number:


What happened

Describe what happened so we can understand the issue...

Ocwen Loan Servicing LLP reported to the CFPB that they had corrected the false data that they were reporting to the credit bureaus. Today INNOVIS told me that OCWEN is still reporting to them that my loan has a zero balance, that my account is closed and my loan was assumed by another party. INNOVIS is sending me proof of this in writing. I had called INNOVIS to see if OCWEN had also added the harmful statement that lowers my credit score, the statement OCWEN is refusing to remove from the other credit bureaus and insists it MUST tack on to my reports even though it lowers my score. INNOVIS stated that OCWEN has a different negative statement posted in the remarks section on INNOVIS: "Account previously in dispute. Investigation complete." Each time OCWEN puts a damaging statement on my credit reports, it lowers my score. OCWEN has been putting damaging, score lowering statement on my credit reports ever since they first took my name off my loan, locked me out of my account and tried to steal the $76,700 Keep Your Home California Funds and the $5000 HAMP incentive that I earned by never being late on a payment for six years. OCWEN threated to reverse the 2010 loan modification but stopped after I began reporting them to the CFPB and the Department of Justice. OCWEN reluctantly put my name back on the loan but has been overwhelming me by posting a constant stream of false information of false information on my credit reports and by posting back to back negative comments that lower my score. I believe OCWEN is trying to wear me down and that their ultimate goal is to try to steal my property and all the money that I and Keep Your Home California have put into the loan. The pattern of abuse is well established and ongoing. Even as OCWEN tells the CFPB that they have correct the "errors", they are launching new "errors" simultaneously. I am never allowed to rest and relax. I have to fight to save my loan, my home, my credit score every week or OCWEN will gain ground and find a way to create so much confusion that they are able to steal my property. I believe this is how they operate. They bury the homeowner alive in a nonstop stream of errors and then strike with such speed that they homeowner cannot stop the loss of their home. They are doing this to a loan in good standing. I believe they cheated me out of many years of my perfect payment history being reported to the bureaus by wrongfully denying my many requests to assume the loan. Six years is TOO LONG a time to pay a loan and not be allowed to assume it. Ocwen is posting DIFFERENT negative remarks on different credit bureaus and claiming that it MUST post those remarks. I believe they are only posting negative remarks so they can control my credit score so that they will profit financially. They are treating customers like slaves, trapping customers by forcing their credit scores down with unnecessary, negative comments. I believe OCWEN is largely a criminal organization that should not be allowed to do business in the United States of America. OCWEN seems undaunted by being reported to the CFPB and the Department of Justice. It is clear that OCWEN believes it is like the "Teflon Don", that nothing will stick, the OCWEN is above the law and can make a mockery out of being reported to the CFPB from hurting homeowners who always pay on time. OCWEN is harming me MORE since I reported them, not less. Some of the OCWEN ombudsmen are jovial about the hell they are putting me and my son through. I have been told that each time I report them, it only hurts my credit score me, that it doesn't hurt OCWEN. Since that remark, OCWEN has stepped up the pace and ruined my credit score faster and more often. None of my other creditors have EVER behaved this badly. I believe OCWEN is committing a crime against me. There is a clear pattern of abuse here.

Consent to publish the description of what happened? Consent provided 

Which part of the mortgage process is your issue related to?

Applying for the loan

Receiving a credit offer

Signing the agreement

Making payments

Problems when you are unable to pay

Are you concerned about losing your home to foreclosure? Yes No

Have you missed any mortgage payments or are you in default on your mortgage? Yes No

Is there a date scheduled for the foreclosure sale of your home?  

When is the scheduled foreclosure sale?  

Did you pay a company to help you avoid foreclosure? Yes No

This is about Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) 


Do you believe the issue involves discrimination? Yes No

On the basis of


Marital status

National origin


Receipt of public assistance


Desired resolution

What do you think would be a fair resolution to your issue?

I want OCWEN to report the truth to Innovis and the other bureaus. I want OCWEN to stop putting remarks on my credit reports since their remarks always drastically lower the credit score and are NOT mandatory. OCWEN is committing crimes. I would like OCWEN to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. OCWEN is no better than the mob and should not be allowed to terrorize US Citizens as if they were untouchable pirates. I think the government should prosecute OCWEN and shut down this criminal organization that is bullying US Citizens and treated us like servants even when we pay our bills on time. No creditor has the right to treat us this way. I would like OCWEN to be banned from placing ANY "optional" remarks on credit reports because it is clear they are doing so to manipulate credit scores, to enslave their customers by making them unable to refinance to escape the hell that is OCWEN. I do not feel like a "customer". I feel like I am in a prison named OCWEN, that I am a prisoner. The boldness of OCWEN taking my name off the loan right after posting the funds I applied for from Keep Your Home California goes to show how unafraid of the government OCWEN is. OCWEN is totally fearless. OCWEN does not have customers, OCWEN owns slaves and treats those slaves with the utmost disrespect and disregard. I would like this to end. I would like my government to rescue me from OCWEN. I am being hurt for doing my job well, for paying all my bills on time. OCWEN makes it very clear that they are not impressed if you pay your bills on time. They don't want you to feel good about that. They don't want homeowners to feel good, to feel safe, to feel at home in their own homes. OCWEN will knock you for a loop and turn your life into a living hell just because they can. I would like to see this stop. Please sue OCWEN for using the remarks section of credit reports as a tool to keep loans in good standing down as if they didn't have a perfect payment history. You can pay your loan on time for six years and OCWEN will still find ways to keep you crippled financially. The jovial OCWEN employee was giddy about what was coming next for me, the reversing of the loan modification of 2010 and would have gone through with it and buried the evidence by "losing" documents after they made me and my autistic son homeless if I had not immediately contacted the CFPB and the Department of Justice. OCWEN is a dangerous, criminal organization. Once they start in on you, they never stop. They have not let up on me since they tried to steal my home in February 2016.


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