Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Steampunk enthusiasts enacting a Mexican standoff

"A Mexican standoff is a confrontation between two or more parties in which no participant can proceed or retreat without being exposed to danger. As a result, all participants need to maintain the strategic tension, which remains unresolved until some outside event makes it possible to resolve it."

I have been here before. In March 2016. Some of the characters have changed, but a Mexican stand off is a Mexican standoff.

Rather than use my horrible drawing skills to draw the current cast, just look at March's drawing and where you see TRANSUNION, substitute in EQUIFAX. OCWEN still has a leading role. Unfortunately, I got cast as the tennis ball again.

My autistic son James is in pain and these Mexican standoffs hurt him most of all. The financing of his dental surgeries is dependent on the resolution of these problems and the restitution of my perfect payment history to the credit bureaus.

I am being told by EQUIFAX that is problem is being caused by OCWEN. I am being told by OCWEN that this problem is being caused by EQUIFAX.

My autistic son has exposed dental roots. An emergency room doctor said that if those were his teeth, he would want to be on morphine. If James was on morphine until OCWEN reversed all it's recent harmful actions, James would die from the morphine.

A UCLA doctor, Dr. Bernard Churchill, wrote to Sacramento that James' teeth were the worst teeth he had ever seen in his life and everything that could be done to fix them should be done.

EQUIFAX and OCWEN need to resolve their problem and get out of the way so James can get threatment. 

OCWEN needs to do everything it can but even if EQUIFAX is the correct party to blame in this Mexican standoff, the point of origin is OCWEN. This clean up would not be happening at all if the mess had not been made by OCWEN in the first place.

Both OCWEN and EQUIFAX have been reported to the CFBP for the way they are not handling this professionally and in a timely manner, the harm they are causing my autistic son by this unnecessary delay.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


" Ocwen is charged with engaging in unfair and deceptive acts or practices in violation of the federal Consumer Financial Protection Act and state laws. Ocwen’s unlawful conduct has resulted in injury to consumers who have had home loans serviced by Ocwen, Litton , and Homeward. The harm includes payment of improper fees and charges, unreasonable delays and expenses to obtain loss mitigation relief, and improper denial of loss mitigation relief."
                                             ~Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

OCWEN was given the opportunity by EQUIFAX to quickly restore my six year, perfect payment history on EQUIFAX. Since that three way call last week, OCWEN has gone dark and refuses to tell me if they have complied with EQUIFAX'S request for a simple once sentence fax to resolve the matter quickly.

OCWEN'S repeated choice to keep me in the dark have elevated this situation to a Americans With Disability Act case. OCWEN'S strange actions have made life hell for me and endangered the life of my autistic son James. OCWEN doesn't think it is any of my business when they plan to stop holding my credit score hostage so I can apply for the loan to get James' badly needed surgeries.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Dear Department of Justice,

Is it fair to say OCWEN tried to kill us? Yes. At all times OCWEN knew my age and my disabled son's serious health problems when they took our home away from us even though I had NEVER been late and NEVER missed a payment. 

OCWEN knew that their action would probably result in the death of my autistic son, James. The OCWEN employees who called me to tell me they had bank owned our home were laughing and telling me to just accept that there was nothing I could do to stop what they were doing to us, that this was our "new reality" and I must just accept this. On many occasions when OCWEN was bombarding me with phone calls on my current loan as if it WASN'T current, I would tell them that my autistic son was sick and we had to leave now to go to a medical appointment.  

Financial crimes can be every bit as deadly as using a gun and the deaths can be even more painful and drawn out. Willfully removing and BLOCKING a six year perfect payment history trade line from all the credit bureaus is a vicious and hateful act with deadly consequences. 

Losing a home that was paid for on time can result in the disabled person losing services that depend upon having a physical address. Getting those services reinstated before death occurs if the disabled person has serious health issues, is unlikely. Ever getting back to the state of health you were in before OCWEN dropped a financial stink bomb on your life is also unlikely.

Our bank loan is being serviced by OCWEN. I am a single mom with an autistic son. I have always paid my home loan on time the entire six years since the loan modification of July 1, 2010, following divorce. I obtained power of attorney to pay the loan that was only in my x-husband's name because he did not want to pay it. After six years of never missing a payment I was finally allowed to assume the loan.

DEUTSCHE BANK is the trustee. For a time this loan was being serviced by One West Bank. During that time I also always paid on time and was NEVER late on a payment.

When the loan was transferred to OCWEN just as ONE WEST BANK had mailed me the assumption packet because I had paid on time for over a year after the trial period, OCWEN refused to allow the assumption that ONE WEST BANK was prepared to. Usually assumption is allowed after one year, but I was forced to prove myself for SIX years. My name was put on the loan in December 2015 when it should have been put on the loan July 2011. Making me wait SIX years to assume the loan kept my credit score low so I could not refinance and escape OCWEN. It is very likely that OCWEN routinely does this on purpose for it's own financial gain.

Having OCWEN manage my loan was frightening from the start. It did not feel anything like doing business with a bank does. It was more like having your loan managed by a cult or secret society that could do awful things with impunity. I kept paying the loan on time and hoped none of the terrible things I heard about OCWEN doing to people would happen to us.

On February 2016 my loan was awarded the $5000.00 HAMP incentive and KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA gave OCWEN $76,700.00 to apply to the principal of my loan. These things only happened because my loan was in good standing even though it was upside down. Shortly after taking all this money, OCWEN took my name off the loan, pulled and blocked the trade lines my perfect payment history from all the credit bureaus, bank owned the property and told me there wasn't a thing I could do about it. I reported this to the CFPB, then to you, the Department of Justice and the Attorney General of Califorina, the FBI and even the SEC because I feared OCWEN was in the process of laundering the money they took from me, HAMP and KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA in the stock market. OCWEN took government money, not just my money. OCWEN did all this at a mind blowing pace with the precision that comes from practice.

Something made OCWEN rescind and cancel the bank owned status. They made it clear to me that it was just a courtesy, nothing more than a courtesy. OCWEN fumbled with putting my name back on the loan and tried to get me to accept having someone else's name on my loan, listing me as a co-borrower. They had locked me out of the website where I make my home loan payments without telling me.

OCWEN is still fumbling with restoring the trade line to report to the credit bureaus my perfect payment history. OCWEN shows none of the precision and speed in restoration that it showed in demolition. This lack of ability to make even the simplest restorations indicates that most of the time OCWEN does not restore...that perhaps most of the time OCWEN simply got away with this sort of thing without having to reverse their actions.

Even when EQUIFAX gave OCWEN precise and very simple instructions on how to reinstate the trade line to report my perfect payment history, OCWEN neglected to send OCWEN the simple, one sentence fax that EQUIFAX dictated to them on the three way call I initiated. I could have complied with EQUIFAX'S request in three minutes or less. It was a ONE sentence letter that EQUIFAX dictated to OCWEN. The fax number was provided. It was not rocket science. That was last week. OCWEN still has not complied with EQUIFAX'S request.

It does not feel like my loan is being managed by financial professionals. It feels like my loan and the life of my autistic son and my life, are in the hands of hot-headed "good old boys". It feels like a mafia-like gang is "letting us live" out of the "goodness of their hearts". That is how they talk to me. That is why I am asking you to look into this and to look after us. It feels like my son and I are in a debtor's prison. I am mocked by OCWEN ombudsmen who make it clear that my paying the loan on time for six years carries no weight. They make it clear that bad things are around the corner and could happen at any minute and could happen very fast. They tried to make me afraid to report these things to you.

On many occasions OCWEN has made me feel like my autistic son and I are not safe. They take drastic negative actions without telling you first and they make veiled threats without being specific about the terrible event that might be around the corner, an event you will find out about AFTER it happens. They give you "hints" and they seem to enjoy your suffering, as if it was a sport.

Indeed, I found out they were trying to take my house from attorneys and real estate agents who sent me public records to prove it, not from OCWEN. Things that OCWEN told me MIGHT happen had already really happened. This is probably what OCWEN means when they say there is "nothing you can do about it"...that they operate by taking action in a stealth manner so that you cannot try to stop the action.

REPEAT: I have never once been late on a payment to OCWEN. I have never once missed a payment. 

OCWEN has tormented me on MANY occasions, not just the recent 2016 horrifying series of attacks that felt like a hate crime, as if someone in the ORLANDO, FLORIDA office of OCWEN decided that my perfect payment history of six years meant I needed to be taken down a peg and they were in the mood to see me and my son "go down in flames". 

The way OCWEN employees spoke to me made me feel like I was being destroyed financially by a mobster who decided he didn't like me and had the impunity to destroy anyone he happened not to like.

At BANK OF AMERICA or CHASE BANK, if a teller doesn't like something about you or a bank manager thinks you are not the kind of person they like, they don't kick you out the door, empty your account, take your money and buy some stocks. BANKS don't enjoy the impunity OCWEN seems to think it has.

A perfect payment history had no weight with OCWEN. It was like THE GODFATHER was pissed because you forgot to kiss his ring and decided you must die. That is how doing business with OCWEN feels. You think you might end up dead in a ditch even if you pay your loan on time religiously. 

OCWEN never apologized for taking my name off my loan and trying to take federal dollars recently granted to our loan....

OCWEN simply said that "as a courtesy" they were going to let us came across almost as a warning.....nothing you would mistake for an apology. It very much felt like a veiled threat. Indeed, the ombudsman told me it could all happen again in the future. It was at their discretion.

Days later, OCWEN said something to me that confirmed my feeling that it was a veiled threat....OCWEN said to me, "If this happens again..." 

All I want is to pay my home loan every month and go about living my life. OCWEN doesn't let you do that. When OCWEN manages your home loan, it is like you are in a cult being run by Jim Jones.

Even when they aren't seizing your property or threatening to seize your property, they find ways to torment you over the most simple things, calling excessively, demanding the same information over and over and over, like the war criminal character that Laurence Olivier played in MARATHON MAN when he asked Dustin Hoffman's character over and over, "Is it safe?" No matter how many times I and my HOA and Management Company complied with OCWEN'S demand for information regarding the HOA insurance policy, OCWEN would keep asking for that very same information with not so veiled threats that failure to comply would have consequences. We gave them the policy, the insurance agent's contact information. We gave OCWEN everything they asked for but they kept asking for it via letters and endless phone calls, each call was long, demanding that FIRST I listen to them read a statement. OCWEN made us late for one of my autistic doctor's appointments. I reported this event to Ronaldo Reyes of DEUTSCHE BANK and told him my son was very ill and that we were being bombarded with rude, demanding phone calls from OCWEN, each requiring me to listen to a LONG statement first. I told Ronaldo Reyes that my son had more appointments that we could not be late for.

Later when I was taking my son James to another important test that he could not be late for, OCWEN called again and DEMANDED that AGAIN, I drop everything listen to the statement before they could tell me WHY they were calling. When they made these types of mysterious calls, they usually did not actually impart any information. They also sent MANY letters that did not impart any information, just statements that "confirmed" "something" was being considered. I told OCWEN I had to take my son to the hospital. OCWEN told me, "You may go after you listen to me read this statement...."
OCWEN was so convinced they had the right to make a person miss a CT scan that they refused to take "not now" for an answer. 
I told OCWEN, "I'm going to take my son to the hospital now. This is not a good time. I'm going to hang up now."
Little did I realize at the time that my refusal to obey orders would stir up a hornet's nest of rage.
It was very like OCWEN was playing a video game and very pissed off with me for not engaging.
All hell broke loose and I was informed that I would pay for this, for refusing to be late to my autistic son's CT scan. For days following my "insubordination /refusal to miss my son's CT appointment" because an OCWEN employee told me to", there was fallout. Other OCWEN employees referred to it as if it was a major event and that punitive action would soon be coming down the line.

There were no veiled threats when OCWEN took my name off my loan and locked me out of my Ocwen account in 2016 in spite of my perfect payment history. I found out about it AFTER it happened. OCWEN acted like a drone taking out a terrorist. OCWEN sucker punched me and my autistic son. 

OCWEN blew us out of our normal lives like a tornado, like an earth quake, like an act of God. 

One minute we were being congratulated for never being late on our home loan payment and for being awarded the $5ooo HAMP INCENTIVE. The next minute we were informed that the loan was no longer mine and there was not a thing we could do about it. OCWEN told me the next big thing was that the 2010 Loan Modification would be reversed and I would need to pay the whole loan off at once if I wanted to stay in my home. OCWEN was gleeful when they delivered this message to us, as if they were having fun.

It was so terrifying that it felt like my autistic son and I belonged in a witness protection program...OCWEN employees were joyfully informing me that they had already taken my name off the loan I had paid on time for six years and that they were going to do MORE than that, they were not done yet and couldn't say what but might reverse six years or more of progress....might even reverse the 2010 loan modification. There was a distinct air of giddiness in the voices of the OCWEN employees who were delivering bad news and threats of more to come. The OCWEN employees sounded like they were high on drugs and enjoying the hell out of playing a video game. OCWEN was kicking our asses and enjoying every minute of it, judging from the tones of the voices of the OCWEN employees who called me.

I was born in 1953. My autistic son is very sick. What kind of people would consider it a victory to kick our asses? 

Those scary phone calls made me want to ask The Department Of Justice for protection. OCWEN employees spoke to me as if what OCWEN was doing to us was funny, as if it was a sport, as if throwing people into the street who were really not paying their debts had lost it's thrill and the new sport was killing people who had always paid their debts on time and enjoying impunity. 

OCWEN spoke to me as if throwing elderly and disabled people into the street was something OCWEN could do anytime the mood struck them and no one would know or care that the home owner had a perfect payment history. 

The money gained, including federal money, would in turn be invested in the stock market by OCWEN. OCWEN could expand it's cult-like empire with money it gained this way. Ocwen made it clear to me that I would never see a penny of the money I paid into the loan for six years, and they were keeping the HAMP incentive I earned and the $78.700 Keep Your Home California money they got because I applied for it and was granted it.

Are we safe? Is OCWEN preparing to do something awful to us the moment they believe no one is looking?

Are my autistic son and I safe?

Friday, May 13, 2016


Ocwen needs to comply with the instructions Equifax gave them to resolve this. 

Ocwen needs to respond in a more timely manner to reverse the many damages they caused before those damages multiply and result in irreversible losses. 

This has become a life and death matter for me and my autistic son. Without warning we were thrown back into a trumped up housing crisis with severe financial harm heaped on us when we were only just beginning to be able to recover from the original housing crisis of a decade ago. 

Nearly a decade ago my autistic son James was hurt during that original housing crisis and was just about to have a series of surgeries in spring 2016 to correct the damage  that an "off-label"medication did to his teeth back then while we struggled through the real housing crisis. 

This trumped up 2016 housing crisis was generated by an Ocwen employee in Orlando, Florida and in comparison is far more deadly than the real housing crisis because of it's wicked speed and sucker punches. This fake housing crisis of 2016 is so virulent that it strikes many people as unbelievable and psychopathic. The name of the person in the Orlando offices of OCWEN who launched this virulent attack on a loan in good standing is being withheld at this time. There is no confirmation yet regarding whether this OCWEN employee has or is doing harm to other people or if this OCWEN employee has mental health issues or a criminal record.

OCWEN seems determined to force us back into a court of law to relive the horrors of the housing crisis all over again. 

Why would OCWEN do this to a loan in good standing? Was this the action of a rogue OCWEN employee who felt OCWEN would protect him and give him the ability to destroy lives with impunity?

Why would OCWEN try to abscond with the house, the $5000 HAMP incentive and the KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA $76,700. 
when the loan had been paid on time for six years and qualified for those incentives? 

Why is OCWEN taking so long to reverse the harm, making me do the research to show them how to reverse the damage at EQUIFAX because they are satisfied to just say EQUIFAX is difficult to work with? 

Why wasn't OCWEN willing to do the research that I did to find out how to resolve the problem they were having with reinsertion of the trade line at Equifax? 

OCWEN was going to make the EQUIFAX problem go on for months longer but I stepped in and helped them understand what they had to do to reinstate the trade line. 

I would like OCWEN to be more responsible and to repair the damage in a more timely way so I can help my bedridden son get the surgeries he needs and get out of the downward spiral his health is in now before it can't be reversed. 

I would like OCWEN not to force me and my son to have to go back to court to correct the damages done to us. I would like OCWEN to stop blaming others and just take responsibility for those destructive actions they took.

Having said all this, I fear this nightmare is headed towards being settled in a court of law.


OCWEN took such a hostile, surprise attack on my home loan in good standing, bank owned it after accepting $5000 HAMP incentive applied to principal for never being late on loan payments and $76,700 KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA funds, such a hostile act that the public has trouble understanding it. People ask me if I'm SURE I didn't miss a payment....they don't want to believe a bank would do this. 

The shock of having our home bank owned without warning caused me to be bedridden with sudden vision difficulties for several hours, which was horrifying because I am the care-provider for a very ill autistic young man. When stricken by shock submitted the details to the CFPB verbally via phone while bedridden and unable to sit up and see well enough to submit the information on line about how LONG Ocwen is taking to make the repairs they promised to make. 

Rather than accept that the way OCWEN demolished my credit with Equifax was the reason it was difficult to restore, OCWEN simply blamed Equifax like they had previously blamed TransUnion. 

It is OCWEN'S fault that this has to be repaired in a certain way...due to the unusual way OCWEN removed and blocked the trade line from Equifax, within the context of a simple Equifax Dispute dated, March 17, 2016 which simply asked if they could show I had always paid my home loan on time since July 1, 2010. OCWEN'S actions were so extreme that a criminal investigation might find it fits the profile of an act of rage.

Ocwen's response was vicious and impossible for Equifax to make sense of because they had no way of knowing it was just part of a blitzkrieg of harsh actions Ocwen was raining down upon me and my autistic son James. To Equifax it was presented only as a response to my request to have more of my perfect payment history showing. 

Ocwen's attitude about correcting the damage they created has been to blame Equifax and state that the damage cannot be repaired at this time. In the meantime my autistic son is getting sicker while we wait to resolve these issues so I can get the loan for his surgeries. He may be too ill to have surgery by the time Ocwen resolves the damages they caused.

This begs the question: Will Deutsche Bank step in and force Ocwen to undo the damage they have done to a home owner who had a loan in perfect standing for the last six years? When the damage is this heinous, should the trustee take action to put a stop to the senseless carnage? Ocwen has proven time and time again that they cannot police themselves and while they can dish out damage at mind blowing speed, their ability to correct their mistakes moves like snail mail and comes to halts that force the home owner to do the research Ocwen won't do to solve the problems it created.