Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Dear Mr. Faris,
Today I received the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau report response from OCWEN. It did not provide new information or address a possible solution. It was a repeat of what I was told verbally by OCWEN, simply stating what had happened.

That is a valuable tool because it is a foundation we can work from. In short, it states clearly that this was an oversight caused by One West Bank before the loan was transferred to OCWEN and the oversight was continued several more years each time OCWEN reviewed my many requests for assumption. In fact, in December 2014 OCWEN stated to me that because of the bankruptcy appearing on my credit report I would need to wait another year according to the underwriters. A year later, the assumption was granted. So, OCWEN had access to my credit report long before March 2016 when they indicated they first noticed the bankruptcy. The oversight is well documented.

At all times during the entire six years I have complied with all requests and I have paid this loan on time each month for six years.

The tremendous damage done to me and my autistic son James by the actions OCWEN claims it was compelled to take are all attributable to the error made by One West Bank.

The damage done to my credit reports by having a six year perfect payment record pulled by OCWEN was significant and will take another six years to rebuild.

While I am grateful to OCWEN'S Ombudsman Matthew Parker for offering to write letters to lenders on my behalf, the extent of the damage makes that not a viable solution.

I propose that OCWEN, in keeping with the admission that the error was made by ONE WEST and OCWEN, remedy the situation by accepting responsibility and addressing the problem internally instead of trying to help outside lenders cope with the damages. I propose that OCWEN give me a loan refinanced at 2%, a HARP loan and that the upside down portion to be paid by ONE WEST.

Since ONE WEST caused this devastating situation that went on uncorrected for six years and since they told me at all times that I would be allowed to assume the loan, as did OCWEN and since they did allow me to assume the loan in December 2015, I propose that they restore my name to the loan in the only means possible, by refinancing the loan.

To do this in a timely manner will help stop the damage and let the healing really begin.

I have submitted this proposal to the CFPB as my response to OCWEN'S admission that this whole nightmare was the fault of an oversight by ONE WEST and then by OCWEN when they neglected to see the very obvious public document on my credit report each time I applied for assumption of the loan.

I respectfully submit this request for a special refinance based on what Matthew Parker of OCWEN admitted today was a special circumstance. Mr. Parker told me that I was the only OCWEN customer he knew of in this devastating circumstance. I believe that. It is such a horrible thing to happen to a homeowner that when it happened, it was like being the victim of a natural disaster in terms of shock, fear, loss and disbelief.

OCWEN has already admitted in writing to the CFPB that this six year oversight was caused by ONE WEST. Unusual accidents call for unusual remedies.
Please grant me a tailor made refinancing of this loan that factors in what I have suffered and lost. Place me in good standing on a new home loan in my name and we will continue doing business together as always. I am one of your best customers and will continue to be reliable. The one thing my badly damaged credit reports still show is that I pay all my bills on time. I don't let anybody down. I take care of business. Since I became a single mom, I had to become strong for my autistic son. I am all he has. Strong people do the right thing. Acting like a victim serves no one.

A while back my autistic son James accidentally knocked a ladies smart phone into the pool. The woman almost had a nervous breakdown until I calmed her and told her I would pay for it. I applied for a loan from Jewish Free Loan, interest free loans and was granted the loan. What could have been an endless feud with painful shoulda, woulda, couldas just vanished and peace was restored. I could have made endless arguments as to why the phone should not have been on the edge of the pool or tried to convince her that my son's autism meant he meant no harm....but the truth was she was distressed and overwhelmed by her loss. I got her a new phone. And I saved my son from having to endure gossip and sneers and now I always check the edge of the pool for phones when I take James swimming.

My proposal is that OCWEN and ONEWEST step up and do the right thing. Get my name back on the loan I've been paying and you say that means refinance, so let's do it. Forgive the upside down portion and I will forgive the pain of the damage done. I will be so busy getting back on my feet so I can get my son's dental surgery financed that that I will hardly remember how I felt like I was having a stroke when OCWEN told me, without warning, that they reversed my assumption.

Honda finance can verify that when I bought my Honda in December 2015 I told them via email that this was the BEST CHRISTMAS of my entire life because OCWEN let me assume the loan. From the moment I assumed the loan I began to make good things happen faster. Get me back in the game, restore me, put me back on this home loan via refinancing it and I will never look back. Step up and remedy this situation as swiftly as possible.

Thank you, Mr. Faris.


Jennifer Elizabeth Marshall

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