Thursday, April 14, 2016


Time for a commercial break.'s exploding heads seems like the right commercial for half-time entertainment is a disaster brought to you by OCWEN. No body explodes heads as frequently as OCWEN does. And it does feel like Ocwen is playing a game....kinda like when the Romans threw people in to arenas and watched lions tear them limb from limb.

Today's OCWEN Update:

I'm able to login and pay my loan again. The mystery of why I was locked out has been solved. Ocwen admitted today that they had changed my username without telling me. This is a pattern with OCWEN. They make serious changes without communicating BEFORE they make the change. Other businesses send you an email telling you the reason why they need you to change your log in information. They don't just change it and leave you scrambling to figure out what happened.

So far the attorneys I have consulted all say OCWEN should not have reversed my assumption of the loan, that OCWEN is wrong and would probably back down if taken to court. This is not what my autistic son needs to be going through now.

Ocwen also talked to me today, not about solving the the mess they made when they removed my name from the loan, but about offering me a "recast" so I can pay $59,833.78 interest instead of $18,300.05 interest over the remaining life of the loan. They still do not want to put my name on the loan that I am paying. I rejected the offer to astronomically increase my interest. They began confusing that with the Keep Your Home California payment made in February, $76,700.00 applied to the principal of the loan, acting as if I was saying I was rejecting that help that I had accept from KYHC. No, no,  Ocwen, do not rip that up like you ripped up the assumption. I asked them not to make any rash action without sending me something in writing to confirm we are talking about the same thing. They jumped around today.

Ocwen has a global reputation for being "scattered". They create problems back to back. There is always someone at Ocwen undoing something another Ocwen employee is doing. After appalling damages and reversals of progress, Ocwen dismisses the carnage by simply stating, "We found our mistake and corrected it." Allowing someone to assume a loan and pay it and get $76,700.00 applied to that loan and then telling the person the assumption has been whimsically reversed is beyond the scope of finding a boo-boo and fixing it. Punitive damages are in order. Measures need to be put in place to derail this nonstop boo-boo train. The inmates are running the prison. It's not ok to say "Ooops" and skip off merrily to the next life destroying mistake.

Today's shocking revelation from Ocwen is that they no longer blame ONE WEST BANK for not telling them about the Chapter 7. They admit they knew about the Chapter 7 in 2014...which is pretty "cave man days" since it has been a matter of public record for all to see since 2007. And bottom line, no matter when they "discovered" how to access public records, it does not justify the reversal of the assumption and the wrecking of a loan in good standing.

OCWEN has changed their story several times as to who's fault it was that they did not notice a Chapter 7 that happened in 2007 before the divorce. My ex-husband did not do a "reaffirmation" and that is the reason they state that they had a change of heart and reversed my assumption of the loan.
Several attorneys have informed me that this does not make sense, that in California it usually does not work the way OCWEN says it must. Ocwen's understanding of the law seems very sketchy and yet they take sweeping actions with deadly consequences at the drop of a hat. They reason that if the action turns out to be a mistake, it is "solved" with one easy statement, "Opps." I feel like my loan is being managed by sulky 13 year old teenagers and foreign exchange students.

OCWEN tried today to confuse the Keep Your Home California $76,700.00 payment with the HAMP recast offer and almost made yet another tremendous, sweeping mistake today. Saying verbally that I do not want the HAMP recast, which they insisted that I DID want is not the same thing as applying for assistance from KYHC...which I did IN WRITING....unless you are Ocwen and need to make ANOTHER big if reversing an assumption of the loan was not enough of an "April Fools" punch in the gut. Today OCWEN admitted that the paper that I didn't sign never got sent to me to sign. The KYHC funds were posted to my loan in February 2016. Today, April 14, 2016 Matthew Parker was telling me that they should have sent me something to sign so they could accept the funds that they already accepted or, he seemed to be saying that they might have to reverse accepting the funds just like they reversed the assumption, destroyed my credit...and all because, again, it was their little "opps", "mistake" forgot to mail the form. (Do I hear heads exploding?)

It truly is something new every day with OCWEN. Some days it is three or four new mistakes brewing in OCWEN. It is very difficult to work with people who seem to have attention deficit disorder. You put one fire out and they are off somewhere starting three more.

Tomorrow OCWEN is calling at 8:00am AGAIN to have the business meeting we were supposed to have today at 8:00 am but talked about my refusal to accept the predatory recast instead. Today's meeting that was supposed to be about refinance as a solution but devolved into a bait and switch operation with Ocwen telling they thought I already agreed to an insanely high interest HAMP recast. When I said no to that, they said I was saying no to something else, because without telling me, OCWEN again changed the subject. Here is the crazy interest they tried to get me to agree to this morning:

Top this, !!! Nobody explodes head like predatory Ocwen does:

I have asked for a 2% HARP refinance putting my name back on the loan as a possible solution to reverse the damage OCWEN has done to a loan in good standing. Ocwen's Matthew Parker is going to talk to Homeward Residential about making this happen and I'm sure at tomorrow's meeting he'll try to get me to buy some swamp-land instead. I'm  also sure that Homeward Residential will say it can't be done because of the damage OCWEN has done to my credit score. And I'm sure I'll hear the OCWEN MOTTO, "There is nothing we can do."


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