Friday, April 8, 2016



Dear Mr. Ronald Faris, 
For six years I paid OCWEN Loan #719237*** on time following divorce from my ex- husband who had taken me off the loan, claiming it would allow us to save money. What he did was put his car loan into the home loan and then abandoned the home loan.

I was blindsided but filed Chapter 13 to take over the debts he abandoned.
I spoke numerous times to Ronaldo Reyes at DEUTSCHE BANK and Brandi York at ONE WEST BANK about securing the loan and our house for me and my autistic son, James. 

Since the loan mod of July 1, 2010 I was told both by ONE WEST BANK and later by OCWEN, that I would be allowed to assume this loan. At all times both servicers of this loan informed me that after a probationary period I would be allowed to assume this loan, put my name on the loan connected to property of which I am the sole person listed on the deed.

In December 2016 I was allowed to assume the loan and as soon as it was in my name I applied for funds from KEEP YOUR HOME CALIFORNIA to address the upside down nature of the loan. KYHC made a very large payment of $76,700.00 to OCWEN in February 2016 to make the loan affordable. I received a letter from OCWEN congratulating me for paying my loan on time for six years and informing me that a $5,000.00 HAMP incentive had been applied to the principle of my loan. Hours after I received that letter I was told by OCWEN that my name was being removed from the loan.

It seemed our lives were finally getting on track. My credit score shot up 66 points last Monday. I began shopping for the personal loan I need to fix my autistic son's teeth that were damaged by medication, the dental reconstruction is not covered by his insurance. My son has lost his bite, requires reconstruction of the bite by a prosthodontist and his nerves are exposed in all his teeth. His teeth are all hollowed out like little cups and the pulp is visible. With OCWEN concealing from the public that I have paid a home loan on time for six years, my credit score is suffering. When OCWEN snatched my home loan from TransUnion, Equifax and Experion, they also snatched away the opportunity to get a loan for my son's dental treatment.



Everything was fine until last week, March 28, 2016, when OCWEN research informed me that they just "found" in March 2016, public records from 2007 that in reality had been a routine matter of public record visible to anyone long before I negotiated the HAMP LOAN MOD of 2010 with ONE WEST BANK.

OCWEN announced their "discovery" as if public records available to everyone else had somehow been hidden from them.

On and around March 24-March 30, 2016, OCWEN research, with wicked speed, used a very old, 2007 PUBLIC RECORD as the foundation to start reversing the hard won progress that had taken nearly a decade to slowly build. 

OCWEN claimed this public record was "news to them" even though it was at all times visible to the public. Instead of due diligence and REAL research such as consulting with ONE WEST BANK who serviced the loan before OCWEN began servicing the loan and who may have already addressed the issue many years ago, OCWEN research rapidly and at times GLEEFULLY acted on their "discovery" and took my name off the loan I had paid on time for six years. OCWEN began calling me excessively and asking for my ex-husband as if I had no right to answer my phone or be living in my home. OCWEN asked me almost daily to provide HIS social security and call him to the if their "discovery" also undid the divorce that happened nearly a decade ago. During one of these annoying calls from OCWEN, the woman refused to let me go when I told her I was taking my son to the hospital and needed to have the conversation later. The OCWEN woman told me I could go after she finished reading something to me. I had to tell her that I was sorry but I was going to hang up and take my son to the hospital.

The way OCWEN was conducting business was erratic and unprofessional. Renaldo R. Reyes of DEUTSCHE BANK made a call on my behalf to OCWEN to try to make OCWEN employees stop calling so frequently and stop speaking to me as if I wasn't the one who had paid this loan all these years. Mr. Reyes knows that I have paid every penny of this loan. I am the only person who has paid this loan. Bank routing numbers also confirm this. Only my name is on the deed.

Simultaneously while OCWEN was yanking my perfect payment history from Equifax, TransUnion and Experion, they were sending letters claiming that they were indeed reporting my loan to all the credit bureaus and that I could use the letters as proof of this. The OCWEN research team also called me at my home phone number repeatedly, insisting that they were reporting my home loan and OCWEN instructed me to call the credit bureaus to find out why the bureaus were neglecting to post my loan the information that OCWEN had sent them. I did indeed contact the bureaus, over and over, as instructed by OCWEN, over and over.

Suddenly my credit plummeted back down and OCWEN reversed the assumption. OCWEN insisted there was no solution, no way to stop this, nothing could be done. I began to receive calls from OCWEN that blamed my request to have my loan reported to the credit bureaus as the reason my name was removed from the loan. Other OCWEN calls indicated that I had ASKED to have my name removed from the loan and that I had asked OCWEN not to report to the credit bureaus that I had paid this loan for six years (on time every single month.) The communications from OCWEN began to become frequent, contradictory and increasingly outlandish. It was not like any "research" I had ever heard of before. It was wild and fast and reactionary. One OCWEN employee said they saw a public record on my credit report and that was the reason they took immediate action without consulting with ONE WEST BANK, the original servicer of the loan. OCWEN was devolving the loan at an alarming rate. No checks and balances. The loan was being dismantled.

I had many discussions with Rita Jacobs at TransUnion. She and everyone at TransUnion bent over backwards to solve the mystery of why my OCWEN loan was missing from TransUnion when two letters from OCWEN stated it was being reported by OCWEN to TransUnion. It was Experion that solved the mystery. They took names and numbers. Experion told me OCWEN reported the home loan to them on March 19, 2016 and then OCWEN yanked the loan and blocked it from reporting to Experion on March 24, 2016. I relayed this information to Rita Jacobs at TransUnion so she would stop wracking her brain to unravel the mystery and she told me she almost called me to report that my loan suddenly appeared on TransUnion, but it was removed before she could tell me it had appeared. I relayed to her what Experion had told me, that OCWEN was doing all this. OCWEN was simultaneously telling everyone via two separate letters which they told me to show to all the credit bureaus, that they were indeed reporting my loan to all the bureaus. At the very same time OCWEN was also pulling the loan from all the credit agencies. Then I received a letter from OCWEN that OCWEN said I could show as proof that that my loan and been removed from my credit reports, as if that was GOOD news I would want to share. The letters only prove that OCWEN went in two opposite directions in March 2016 and caused a lot of stress for a lot of people.

The same thing happened at Equifax....the loan appeared and disappeared. The conflicting and rapid nature of the actions being taken by OCWEN was a red flag.

Please look into this. My name was taken off the loan in spite of my perfect payment history, in spite of the assumption. My bank routing number and all records prove I was the only one paying this home loan. I am the only one on the deed as well. At this stage I'm being asked to accept that this is my new reality, that nothing can be done regarding these rash actions taken by OCWEN. I had been told by Stephanie at OCWEN that the 2010 Loan Mod would also be reversed, along with the Assumption of the Loan. Days later  I was told by Ronaldo R. Reyes of DEUTSCHE BANK that the 2010 Loan Mod would not be reversed.

My son James and I need your help. Just when it seemed we had crawled from the wreckage of the housing crisis, we were pulled back in. In addition to my son's severe and painful dental problem of exposed nerves, UCLA found a tumor on his pancreas in February but that did not explain why he was bedridden nearly three weeks out of each month since October 2015. He is having ongoing tests to determine what has caused him to be bedridden these recent months.  I was so glad that the Assumption had been completed and that my credit score was beginning to reflect the truth, that I had paid ALL my bills on time since the divorce, including but not limited to the OCWEN home loan. It looked like I was going to be able to help my son get care that was not available through his insurance. Getting the exposed nerves of all this teeth covered with composite and caps might help end the bedridden episodes. The dental pain might be so blinding that he is seeking refuge by shutting down. This can and has spiraled into other health problems that result from not moving, being bedridden.

It looked like I was going to be able to qualify for a loan for James' dental treatment. Then OCWEN research began RAPIDLY destroying a matter of HOURS what had been painstakingly established over the span of six years. Wild statements were made by a female employee of OCWEN named Stephanie. She indicated we must go back to the housing crisis of nearly a decade ago when the home was on the verge of foreclosure and possibly cancel the 2010 HAMP LOAN MOD and make the entire loan amount immediately due as it was when my ex-husband made and abandoned the loan. Some of the disturbing things I was forced to listen to were so outlandish it was hard to believe they could be true. When I was instructed to accept that this was the new reality, I knew it was time to contact a supervisor, but none Stephanie's supervisors or even the supervisor's supervisors would return my call, not one of them. The axe had come down and the OCWEN contact I was allowed to speak to indicated the sudden  and rash changes were final and that was that.

The only information I was allowed by OCWEN amounted to a MANTRA of the problem they had created out of the blue. I was told I did not need to speak to you, Mr. Faris, that the people who were doing this to my loan were the people I needed to listen to and that if I did manage to reach you, you would only send me back to them.

A point was reached where the MANTRA was being repeated like a form of brain washing....that there was nothing anyone could do about this, that it was UNFORTUNATE that I was alarmed by all this, but no one could do anything about this. No one. Absolutely no one. I was in effect being told that the investigation was over, the harm was done, get used to it. It was clear that no one at OCWEN that I was permitted to talk to was open to even the idea that there could be a solution. Years of work had been blown up in hours and that was that. No one was interested in doing any REAL research, REAL problem solving to find a solution.

I was told by Stephanie that it was over, they were finished. I was supposed to adapt and accept this new reality that came out of the blue like a bat out of hell. Stephanie was the one who relayed stupendous scenarios of doom, such as the reversal of the 2010 Loan Mod, to me. Rita Jacobs at TransUnion informed me that Stephanie had told me privileged information that I was not supposed to know. The information I had was not supposed to be relayed to the public. Rita Jacobs said I was telling her things that I was not supposed to know, private negotiations between TransUnion and OCWEN. I'm grateful to Ms Jacobs for letting me know that, in effect, I was being terrorized by Stephanie. After learning of that indiscretion, I began to take things Stephanie told me with a grain of salt and regarded her as one of several loose cannons creating problems that need not be.

Stephanie told me she is the ONLY one I am supposed to talk to at OCWEN, that she was at one of the highest levels of OCWEN and she flat refused to give me your contact information. I wouldn't mind if I never spoke to Stephanie again because she is not businesslike and she seems to enjoy delivering bad news and in fact, she enjoys catastrophizing and then patronizing, professing in a very condescending and almost baby-talk tone that she is sorry if her information hurts and isn't something you would want to hear. When I relayed to Renoldo R. Reyes of Duetsche Bank some of the things Stephanie said to me about what was happening to my loan, he was taken aback because it was much worse than the information he had gleaned as to what is going on. I would like to take this opportunity to ask for another contact besides Stephanie. She makes my eyelids twitch and then I hear from Mr.Reyes that much of what she told me is simply not going to happen.

With your years of experience I am hoping you know of legal provisions and exceptions that will allow for the restoration of my December 2015 Assumption of this loan with the restoration of my payment history being reported to all the credit bureaus. I believe you have the ability to see solutions others might not realize because they are limited by very restrictive thinking especially concerning problems they have created. I believe this because you wouldn't be where you are today if you were drastically limiting your thinking. Please help us solve this problem. 

Thank you for your time.

Jennifer E Marshall
April 7, 2016

~ To Be Continued ~

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