Sunday, April 10, 2016


My autistic son James began having sweats, cold sweats and feverish sweats. He began staying in bed almost three weeks out of each month since October 2015. He is in a downward spiral.

The situation became complicated when a medication destroyed his teeth. This medication, Geodon is used "off label" to knock noisy autistic people out and shut them up and it IS covered by insurance for all disabled people in California. You can have all the Geodon doctors want to slam you with but you cannot have any help restoring the teeth Geodon destroys over night. All his teeth are broken and eroded with the nerves exposed, visible. His insurance will not cover the restoration of his lost dental bite. His body began shutting down on several occasions recently. He became dehydrated because it hurt too much to eat or drink. He stopped being able to pass urine. Again and again he would suddenly stop eating and drinking. I bought a juicer to get food into his body when he couldn't bear to eat. We manage to break the downward spiral a few days but the dental pain continues and he slips back into shutting down.

UCLA doctors were not hopeful that with James' insurance that he would ever find a prosthodontist. The dentists who would accept his insurance would just pull all of his teeth. Some of my autistic son's doctors began to distance themselves from James, as if James was destined to "fall between the cracks", not get care he needs and become an embarrassment to have as a patient. One doctor in particular seemed to be suggesting that it was time to put James away in an institution where his death would be less embarrassing. I was mortified that this was being suggested. This doctor wanted James to be intensely slammed with more psych meds. She insisted on pretending James couldn't possibly be crying because his teeth hurt and Ativan made him bleed, faint, have seizures and lose control of his bladder and bowels. Psych meds for dental pain?! This doctor was itching to put James away, to convince others that James needed to be institutionalized and since she did not do teeth, she pretty much commanded that teeth not be discussed at all when discussing why James was crying. We were not allowed to talk about his teeth. "Psych meds for dental pain?" I kept asking even though I was treated with disrespect for doing so. This mean doctor never would have met James if he had not suffered so long from dental pain. She was not James' doctor but she tried to manipulate James' doctors to do what she wanted to do to James, put him away. None of this horrible stuff would have happened if OCWEN had not attacked my loan. James would have gotten his teeth fixed and these horrible people would not be trying to put him away for crying too much.

Dr Parvin, the psychiatrist James saw does not want James on ANY psych meds. He told me to "go around" any doctor who did not want to help with James' dental and abdominal pain. He told me to get James' teeth fixed and rule out bowel cancer. This seemed to infuriate the UCLA primary care consult who fancied herself as a psychiatrist. UCLA did not help with either of these physical pain concerns and maybe that was a blessing in disguise. UCLA had caused the death of several patients by doing bowel exams with dirty equipment. 
UCLA made things worse by trying to make me feel I was not dealing with the OCWEN nightmare fast enough, as if I COULD make OCWEN stop manipulating my credit score on my own, without help. Just as certain UCLA doctors expected me to hurry up and produce $45,000 for the dental surgeries, they expected me to be able to retain a law firm powerful enough to take on OCWEN.

UCLA doctors could probably not come up with that kind of money themselves and yet they are short tempered with a single mom who makes a fraction of their salary and who is NOT to blame for OCWEN attacking her loan. These UCLA doctors tried to make me feel bad about myself, bad as a mother for not being able to come up with these large sums of money fast, even with OCWEN pushing my score down lower each month in spite of the fact that I was paying all my bills on time. It hurt that the supportive UCLA doctors did not stand up to the bully UCLA doctors. 
The biggest crime against all patients that UCLA committed was divorcing teeth from the rest of the body. So many times they would rub my face in the fact that they TOLD me that as MDs they were not responsible for teeth, that I was not to discuss teeth with them. To my knowledge, teeth are part of the body. They are not "accessories" like purses and earrings. They can cause your body to die if they are neglected. UCLA doctors need to stop shaming patients who report dental troubles are damaging their health, especially since so many UCLA patients will suffer tooth damage caused by medications prescribed by primary care doctors. I was repeatedly shamed by UCLA doctors for mentioning my son's teeth.

No psychiatrist ever wanted James on psych meds. Only UCLA primary care doctors and ER doctors wanted to silence James' dental pain cries with sedatives. These doctors seemed bored with how long OCWEN was delaying James' surgery. The doctor who wanted James put away was a consult, a primary care doctor who fancied herself a psychiatrist although she did not have that training. James probably would have died months ago if she got her way. James' body could not take what she was planning to put it through. When Ativan made him bleed, faint and have seizures, she acted like it was no big deal, like it wasn't even happening even with urine and feces running down his legs in her office. We had to pull over and change his clothes several time on the drive to the consult with her. She acted like the thing to do was keep experimenting with drugs until something shut James up when my concern was the the drugs were killing James, just like they killed many people in recent years. You had to be living under a rock to believe these drugs don't kill. When James had an Ativan induced seizure, the ER wanted to start him on very dangerous anti-seizure medications. I only consulted this doctor for help getting James safely off Ativan. Because another doctor recommended that the drug be tapered off slowly, this witch of a consult doctor did it faster than her peer with experience recommended and James suffered a massive seizure three in the morning, the worst seizure ever. He came very close to death and this doctor still probably can't figure out why I don't like her. 
UCLA at least stopped the ER from killing James by doing a test that the ER neglected to do which proved the seizure was drug (Ativan) induced. The Torrance Memorial ER could have caused James' death by giving him anti-seizure medication he did not need. They gave him one dose. UCLA said to stop the medication immediately.

These UCLA doctors seemed angry when I mentioned James' teeth still hurt him. They would sternly remind me that teeth were not part of their job description, as if dental pain should never be mentioned during a check up where James was crying. When James was given medications to shut him up, mostly when UCLA would send James to the ERs, knowing that is what the ERs would do, James would have bad reactions, start to bleed in his underwear from both his bowel and/or bladder. James often got painful crystals in his urine and lost control of his bladder when the ERs slammed him with sedatives to make him shut up for half an hour. James would pass out from the overdosing of drugs like Ativan and Benadryl and he'd wake up half an hour later with his teeth still hurting, plus loss of control of his bowel and bladder on top of it all. UCLA never ruled out bowel cancer but suggested it often enough to scare me. I was a nervous wreck. My son was in pain and UCLA seemed angry at me anytime I mentioned the ordeal of getting his teeth fixed. The looming threat was that if James cried too much from dental pain, he would get slammed with psych medications until he peed and pooped blood. And when that made him cry more, they would up the dose of the medication that was making him bleed and faint. When I demanded that he be weaned off Ativan, he never fainted or bled since. ER doctors still want to give him Ativan every time UCLA sends him there for crying due to dental pain....only UCLA seems to have a ban on using the terms "dental pain" so they often call it "autism" instead.

It's just "autism".

James being in a downward spiral, suffering intense pain on a daily basis, made him an embarrassing patient for certain kinds of doctors. They urged me to hurry and get the $54,000 + personal loan to get James the care he needs, as if I was the only single mom in town not coming up with $54,000 with ease. I told these UCLA doctors that OCWEN LLP was planted firmly in my way and they were not going to budge, they were after our home.

After six years of paying my DEUTSCHE BANK / OCWEN home loan on time and with OCWEN allowing me to assume the loan, my credit score went up 66 points last week. I began the process of getting a loan to get my son's teeth fixed. I was making progress and feeling hope. James has been in acute pain for years now. Fixing the exposed nerves in his mouth will take that pain away and stop the downward spiral he is in now if we get the surgery done before his body completely shuts down.

Because he takes to his bed because of pain, his body starts shutting down. He has developed bladder and kidney problems. He has developed bowel problems. He has fainted five times in the past two years.

A week ago I was making progress towards getting that loan. Out of the blue OCWEN pulled the rug out from under us, AGAIN. OCWEN claimed they found a public record that they had not noticed for NINE years. This record was so old and before my divorce, so old in fact that Transunion dropped it completely from my credit report. OCWEN pretended they just now found out about the 2007 bankruptcy/divorce and pulled my perfect payment history from all the credit bureaus, reversed the assumption and began the process of reversing the 2010 Loan Modification I had paid perfectly for six years. They said the whole loan would come due just like before the 2010 Loan Modification and I could pay it in full or go into foreclosure.

In a matter of hours OCWEN destroyed almost a decade of hard work. Last week I was going to be able to do something that might save my son's life. Without warning, OCWEN employees took that away.

I am asking OCWEN CEO, Ronald M Feris to review the actions that his employees took and research to find a way to restore the loan to me, report my perfect payment history to the credit bureaus so I can get back to getting that loan that will allow me to finance treatment that will reverse the downward spiral my son James' health is in.

Unfortunately, The CEO of OCWEN, Mr. Faris, ignored the letters I sent him:

Dear Mr. Faris,
You can help me save James' life. You can help me end the pain he lives with every single day. I'm not asking for a hand out. I've worked hard and I'm only asking for justice. I paid my home loan on time for six years. I paid all my bills on time. I told James' doctors at UCLA that if my son's insurance wasn't going to cover the surgeries, I would get a loan for those surgeries.

I almost did it.

Last week I could have done it but OCWEN yanked that opportunity away.

There must be a statute of limitations or other provision to prevent an error made by OCWEN from destroying in a matter of hours a perfect payment history spanning six years. It may also be that ONE WEST BANK and DEUTSCHE BANK made provisions that OCWEN never bothered to confirm. The 2010 Home Loan Modification was done by ONE WEST BANK and DEUTSCHE BANK long before OCWEN began to manage the loan that they, out of the blue, destroyed.

Then again, there is evidence that OCWEN has made a habit of reversing loan modifications, making the whole loan due all at once so OCWEN could then steal the property when the homeowner could pay off the entire loan at once. I could not believe this was happening to me. My loan was in good standing, perfect standing. And this practice was supposedly banned by the government. OCWEN was not supposed to engage in this tactic anymore. Yet I have been told by OCWEN ombudsmen that OCWEN was in the process of reversing my loan modification. How could this be happening?

The OCWEN surprise attack on a loan in good standing, supposedly based on old 2007 public records that OCWEN claims they only "discovered" in March 2016, has thrown my son and I back into the housing crisis that we already went though, earned and paid our way out of and survived against all odds. OCWEN has done something that benefits no one (unless the goal is for OCWEN to seize my property) and threatens to keep my son James in a downward spiral that it is very likely he will not survive another year of.

Please, Mr. Faris, doctors are distancing themselves from my son because they don't want to be part of his downward spiral that could end in death. Even the dentist I pay cash to clean James' teeth while we wait until we can afford to fix them is acting distant, peeking around corners at us as we walk to Suzi's office for the cleaning. We are getting sent to the emergency room too often. No one wants to be around a crying autistic child who's pain is not being addressed. The dental cleanings have saved James' teeth from getting decayed while we wait for OCWEN to get out of the way so I can move forward financially and get a loan to fix James teeth, but no one wants to see James now until his teeth are fixed. People are backing away from us the way they back away from homeless people. OCWEN has put is in this position and will not stand down and let us move forward. Why is OCWEN trying to take our home?

All during this downward spiral I let OCWEN know James was getting sicker and sicker and that delaying his dental surgery was the reason why. OCWEN moved faster....they began to mess up my credit score faster and more often. Mr. Faris ignored all my letters.

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